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Pen in trembling hand

Hand over failing fist

Is this predestined or is it just ritualistic?

I’m patient and listless


We build relationships

Tight bonds with genius wits

To raise the bar on my substandard cognitive instincts

It's capitalistic


Success in haste, fashionably late for sure


Farewell and adieu

I’m spent from careers consumed

Consensual and cruel

They’re taking your time, time better spent on youth


The double lives I’ve lived

Malnourished and thin

An emaciated specter of a citizen

Clamoring for acceptance


A salesman of my soul

Pitching a product to be pigeonholed

To fill the sanctioned needs of an insatiable public

Dispensable and eclectic


Success in haste, fashionably late for sure


Farewell and adieu

I’m spent from careers consumed

Consensual and cruel

They’re taking your time, time better spent on youth