3/27/04 - Hire a bassist, fire a bassit....we move on. Things have
been pretty quiet for the last couple of weeks but we're kicking out lazy asses into high gear and getting ourselves busy
again. This business should hopefully entail more gigs and some studio time. Not much else to report at the moment,
more updates will roll in soon. Until next time....
2/29/04 - Sometimes the best shows happen at the oddest venues. Sometimes
these venues are dive bars frequented by aging hippies half of whom won't even rememeber they were at a show the next day.
Despite all of this, last night's show was a great success from the band's point of view. The set was as close
to flawless as we've experienced thus far. The show was also a bit poiniant becuase the band started as a three piece at the
Blue Moon five months ago and now we played our last show as a three piece on the same stage.
Tonight we will jam again
with our newest band member and keep re-formatting the songs. Other than that, T-shirts are on the way, as are
more shows...we're keeping things busy and we like it that way. Until next time....
Tyler's quote of the day: I think that if we pursue this band that we will all get what we want
to achieve in music. My goal is to expose myself to lots of people.
2/23/04 - Well even if our fanbase isn't growing the band itself is.
After much thought we finally decided to seek out a bassist. Finding one was no easy matter, but we finally came across
a lad named David who was fluent in the rock and could play the bass as well! It looks like our first show with him
will be next month at the Rendezvous. This addition will round out the band and we don't expect to be gaining any other
members except a horn section, three backup singers, a xylophone player, and a keyboardist. Until next time....
2/17/04 - This past weekend was quite eventful. Two show were played...most
notable our headlining gig at the Graceland. The crowd was of decent size and it was good to have a few folks right
in front of the stage (something we haven't experienced at one of our 21+ shows before). I think the show was a success,
not our best but definitely above average. The new song "Path of Enlightenment" seems to be getting some good vibes
as well.
There's always a million things to do in this
band (and all bands bent on success I suppose) including making T-shirts, getting more shows, getting our shit to radio, making
new recordings, promotion, etc....I guess we'll just have to target those things one at a time and eventually we'll find ourselves
at a whole new level of success with a whole new list. And that's not really a bad prospect. Until next time....
2/9/04 - Ok, I know it's
been a while....a bit of news has probably fallen through the cracks, but I'll do my best to recap. We've been practicing
a bit, fine tuning the new set for the three shows we've got in the coming week. The old set was getting a bit too chunky,
so we trimmed off a few pounds. So this time instead of playing every single song we want everyone in the crowd to scream
for the songs we don't play.....wishful thinking eh? Anyway, alot of writing has been happening on Michael's side of
things...lots of ideas/inspiration/etc. I'm actually thinking of adding a new section to the site just devoted to the
songwriting process. I have to admit, having a full time job doesn't allow me to devote quite as much time to this site,
but something's got to pay the bills. Hopefully we'll get alot of flyers for our Graceland show up this week...hopefully
our promotion efforts will pay off as well. Hmm...I think that's all for now. Until next time....
1/18/04 - Boss T continues to roll along at a good click. We finally
got the CD's into Sonic boom stores in Fremont and Ballard...look out Capitol Hill! We're gunning for you next.
Another two shows were also played this weekend. Both had good turnouts and energetic crowds. All energy will
now be going into promoting the hell out of our Graceland gig. Other than that, we've got some new songs in the works
and a good number of shows on the horizon. Until next time....
1/6/04 - Wow, somehow it's now 2004 and Boss Tweeter has already been rocking
for nine months. It's been a productive nine months though and the last couple of weeks have been no exception.
My comp was back in the shop due to its bouts of fuckedupness so that slowed things down a bit, but we've got a promising
gig on the horizon and we will finally be getting our CDs into local record stores in the coming week or so before the show...That
my friends was a run-on sentence. Anyway, we just got our first review back for "Disillusioned and Aware EP" and we
couldn't be happier with the outcome. With the new press quotes from the album we feel an extra boost of confidence
and urgency to get our record to radio. To help in the radio department, we've also enlisted a talented engineer
to remaster the D&A EP. Hopefully those efforts will be well worth it. Well, I'm off to make flyers for the
show now. Until next time....