12/23/03 - I've been back for ten days now and I think that everything
seems pretty much back on track. We've made some notable progress too in everything from gigs, to promotion, to this
very website (I've got a big site update in the works that should be unveiled by the end of this week). To be more specific,
we've been getting gig demos out to the local venues, putting our press kit together, printing up more CD's, and preparing
to demo some of our newer material. More updates on all of the above soon. Until next time...
12/15/03 - Well, well...I am finally back from my relaxing vacation,
rested and ready to continue the rock. It looks like Rick and Tyler did a fine job on the home front while I was
away, but its good to be busy with band business once again. Tonight we had our first jam since I've been back and messed
around with some new material as well. Everything started to come back fairly smoothly and within a week or so we should
be completely back on track. This week will be spent making more copies of our latest record and working on getting
some gigs. Until next time....
11/22/03 - Boss T performed another gig last night, but not without a bunch
of "technical difficulties." More specifically, I broke a string and my footswitch(which changes my guitar from clean
to distorted) decided to stop working. These two things combined to make for a difficult set. We tried our hardest
to rock through it all as hard as we could, but in the end we were forced to cut our set short. After the gig we discussed
how we are going to make sure that we come up with backup plans for these scenarios so that we can play smoother and better
gigs in the future.
Before I leave for a short vacation, those of us in the band will run
through some new material in our practice space and work on getting our new record promoted, reviewed, and into
stores. Until next time (which might be a couple of weeks unless Tyler updates this)...
11/13/03 - Now that the album is all done, the work has been going into packaging,
promotion and gigs. We're making stationary and piecing together a press kit for radio and reviews as well. Hopefully
soon the gigs will start rolling in if we work hard at it. Until next time....
11/8/03 - Since my last update, the band has been quite
productive. We've finished up and named our new EP "Disillusioned and Aware." I've also been spending some time
trying to generate fan interest on mp3.com and it seems to be working in a few small ways.
Since we finished
the EP we've been diligently jamming our songs and we even got my wonderful gf to come to our grungy practice space and
take a bunch of photos of us. You'll notice a few of them have hit the site already, and more will be coming soon.
We're meeting with a Graceland booking agent tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed for that. Well, there's your quick
update (hectic and sporadic as always). Until next time...
10/28/03 - Lots of news to report since last time, so here it goes:
First off, Rickey finished all of the necessary drum tracks for our new EP, so tomorrow we will trek down to Hush studios
to record the drum tracks for the remainder of our songs. Then we can have them for the demo we'll be sending
to radio, etc. I've finished almost all of my tracks as well, and Tyler spent today at my "home studio" getting
many of his remaining tracks recorded. Mistress, Untitled and Intermission are finished, Hellbent is in the mixing stage
and the rest of the tunes are waiting to be finished/mixed. We are taking our time to make these recordings sound great,
but on the flipside as soon as we get them finished we can send them out for gigs and radio. So despite our perfectionist
attitudes, there is a hurried feeling in the air. In other aspects of all things Boss T, we are working on T-shirt designs
and a contest so stay tuned for those in the near future. Well, that's all the news for now, so have a happy Halloween
if I don't post again before that spooky day.
10/10/03 - Just a couple of hours ago we finished our show at Riley's Cafe.
This was the fifth show for the band and we played all of our new material and a new cover as well. Other good
things about the gig included a good turnout and getting paid (unexpectedly). Not really on the downside, but simply
amusing, was this evil "the world is ending" crashing sound that kept coming from the PA at random...and we can't forget the
crazy man playing air drums in the window behind us during the show. In other news, the recording of our new demo with
Rick is coming along surprisingly smoothly so far. We will hopefully have the drum tracks finished and a completed
song by the end of the week. More news will be coming soon so stay tuned to be updated and actioned.
10/6/03 - Boss T has been keeping it busy this week. We've got a
few new songs in the making(some of which will hopefully be played at our Rileys show) and we've begun to record our
new demo with Rick. Five drum tracks are completed already and we hope to make alot more progress by the end of the
week. So there's a quick look at recent events, and we'll keep you posted with future developements as always.