Have you ever experienced a band live and got so excited about them that you
bought their CD and rushed home so you could listen to them again? Except you
only end up listening to the compact disc once or twice because it doesn't even compare to the live performance. The album just gets put back in its case while you dream of days past when the music was kick ass and you
could smell the body odor of the guy next to you in the pit. Boss Tweeter is
kind of like that except they can also put their rock on tape well.
I have had Boss Tweeter's new EP for a while now, and my
objectively superior opinion is that it is a wonderful collection of songs. Well,
after seeing them live on January 17th I said, "Holy Defecation Batman! These
guys are even better live!" I had heard most of their songs before (except for
two brand new ones 'Failure at the Borderline' and 'Fashion and the Facsimile' which are very fine tunes indeed, I can't wait
for them to be put on plastic) but they managed to make each song fresh sounding while instantly recognizable. Boss Tweeter also adds good audience interaction to their performance.
The only thing to mar the show was the cock monkeys working the sound booth (sure it was a teen center, but that doesn't
mean that they need to provide the Special Ed. Center with employment opportunities).
The sound "technicians" seemed to think it was a good idea to turn the vocals and rhythm guitar down before each song
and then wait until halfway through the first verse before these important elements became audible.
Despite this, Boss
Tweeter put on a great performance. I advise you all to attend a show of theirs
and bring panties for the team flag.
-Ryan Johnson